P/N 1010751 Rev. G 01/08
Multi-purpose steaMer Mps-250
Multi-PurPose steaMer
Model MPs-250
Place this manual in the Steamer section
of your
equipment Manual.
Manufactured exclusively for
a.J. aNtuNes & Co.
180 Kehoe Blvd.
Carol streaM, illiNois 60188, u.s.a.
PhoNe: 1-630-784-1000
toll Free: 1-877-392-7854 (us only)
FaX: 1-630-784-1655
This manual is for the exclusive use of licensees and employees of McDonald’s Systems, Inc. © McDonald’s Corporation All Rights Reserved
taBle oF CoNteNts
Manufacturing Numbers 9100320, 9100330, 9100332, 9100334, 9100336, 9100340, 9100342,
9100344, 9100346, & 9100348
owner information .....................................................2
General ......................................................................2
Warranty Information .................................................2
Service/Technical Assistance ....................................2
important safety information ....................................3
Electrical Ratings .......................................................5
Model Designation .....................................................2
specifications .............................................................5
Electrical Cord & Plug Configurations .......................5
Dimensions ................................................................5
installation ...................................................................6
Unpacking ..................................................................6
Equipment Setup .......................................................6
operation .....................................................................8
General ......................................................................8
Programming ...........................................................10
Programming ............................................................10
Maintenance ..............................................................12
Maintenance Schedule ............................................12
Daily .........................................................................12
Monthly ....................................................................12
Flushing/Cleaning Water Solenoid ..........................13
diagnostics ...............................................................14
troubleshooting .......................................................16
replacement Parts ..................................................18
optional accessory .................................................20
Wiring diagram .........................................................21
liMited WarraNtY
The Antunes Food Service Equipment Division of A.J. Antunes & Co. provides the following limited warranty to the original purchaser of all McDonald’s Equipment
manufactured and purchased after January 1, 2003.
All components are warranted against defects in the material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from date of original installation, not to exceed 30 months
from date of shipment from our factory.
If any part becomes defective during the first two (2) years after the original installation date, Antunes Food Service will pay negotiated straight time labor costs to an
Authorized Service Agent to replace the part, plus travel expenses up to 50 miles/80 km, 1 hour each way (100 miles/160 km, 2 hours round trip).
Antunes Food Service reserves the right to make changes in design or add improvements on any products. The right is always reserved to modify equipment
because of factors beyond our control and government regulation. Changes to equipment do not constitute a warranty charge.
This warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular pur-
pose, each of which is expressly disclaimed. The remedies described above are exclusive, and in no event shall A.J. Antunes & Co. or any of its Divisions be liable
for special consequential or incidental damages for the breach or delay in the performance of this warranty.
WarraNtY eXClusioNs
• The cost of installation.
• Equipment that has been damaged due to shipment. Purchaser should
make damage claim directly upon carrier.
• Alteration, misuse, or abuse.
• Improper storage or handling.
• Improper maintenance.
• Failure to follow proper installation instructions, including electrical
• Improper or unauthorized repairs.
• Scheduled Maintenance procedures as outlined in your MRC Card.
• Consumables such as Grill Covers (Release Sheets), gaskets, Conveyor Belt
Wraps, O-rings, and light bulbs.
• Overtime or holiday charges.
• Mileage over 50 miles/80 km (100 miles/160 km round-trip), or travel time
over two (2) hours.
• Freight, foreign, excise, municipal or other sales or use taxes.
• Consequential damages such as loss of profit, loss of time, the cost of repair
ing or replacing other property which is damaged, or any other incidental
damage of any kind.
Testing & Certification