7 Press processes
PressControl 3000 – V1.3
7 Press processes
7.1 Defining
the press process
A press process is defined by the press parameters “force” and “stroke” and
the selection of the return stroke criterion. These parameters are entered in
the “Data Input” display mode and are automatically linked to the PLC
These settings are made in the "Data Input" display mode.
Select the "Data Input" system function key.
Press parameters
The definition of a press process always requires “force” and “stroke” to be
entered. Both parameters are monitored during the press process.
Select the "Returnstroke Force" parameter.
Enter the force that is not to be exceeded during the press process.
Select the "Returnstroke Stroke" parameter.
Enter the stroke that is not to be exceeded during the press process.
Return stroke criterion
The return stroke criterion determines the order in which “force” and “stroke”
are monitored.
When performing the press process with the “force” return stroke criterion,
primarily the "Returnstroke Force" parameter and secondarily the
"Returnstroke Stroke" parameter are monitored.
Select the "Data Input" system function key.
Select the "Mode: F=0, s=1, t=2, m=3" parameter.
Enter the value "0".
If in a press process the set force is not reached, but the set stroke is
exceeded, the error message: "P2:RS stroke exceeded!" is displayed.
return stroke criterion