TextBridge Professional Edition User's Guide
Page Orientation
The Page Orientation submenu provides settings that tell
TextBridge Pro about the orientation of the page, or allow
TextBridge Pro to determine the orientation automatically. This
submenu is equivalent to the Page Orientation pop-up menu on
the main window.
Refer to Chapter 6 for more information about the Page
Orientation settings and when to use them.
Recognition Language
The Recognition Language submenu lists the available
TextBridge Pro language packs. TextBridge Pro can perform
highly accurate OCR on documents in English, German, French,
Italian, Spanish and up to seven other languages. This submenu
is equivalent to the Recognition Language pop-up menu on the
main window.
Refer to Chapter 6 for more information about the Recognition
Language settings and when to use them.
Custom Dictionary
A custom dictionary is a text (ASCII) file containing specialized
words—proper names, technical or professional jargon,
acronyms—terms not likely to be found in a standard dictionary.
You can create a custom dictionary and load it into TextBridge
Pro to improve recognition of your own documents.
The Custom Dictionary submenu lists the custom dictionaries
available in the TextBridge® Pouch. It is equivalent to the
Custom Dictionary pop-up menu on the main window.
Here you can identify the custom dictionary file that TextBridge
Pro is to use. This submenu is available only when a job is not in
progress. If you are not using a custom dictionary, select “None.”
For more information about creating and selecting a custom
dictionary, refer to Chapter 6.