TextBridge Pro (cont.)
Recognize menu, 3–22
recordability, 1–4, C–1
recording scripts, C–2
resolutions supported, 4–20
sample scripts, C–4
Scanner menu, 3–28
scanners, 1–3
scriptability, 1–4, C–1
Smart Zones, 1–3, 1–4
starting, 2–10
state buttons, 3–3
text formats supported, 1–7
text output formats, 1–4
tips for efficient processing, 6–12
toolbars, 3–3
training data, 1–5
training during OCR, 4–28
training toolbar, 3–9
TWAIN requirements for, 1–8
two-sided documents, processing, 1–5
types of documents it can OCR, 1–6
uninstalling, 2–13
using from within a text application, 4–32
view area, 3–2
View menu, 3–18
XDOC format, 1–8
Zone Template, 2–8
zone templates, 1–5
TextBridge Pro Guide, 1–9
how to use, 1–10