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© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
4.1.3 Router ALG Interworking
NAT Application Level Gateway (ALG)
When various functions such as VoIP signal processing and gateway executed through IP
network in OfficeServ 7100 are executed in the Network Address Translation (NAT)
network, the conversion between the private IP address and public IP address may be
required. In this case, the call module and the data module interwork with each other, share
the information converted between the private IP and public IP and automatically convert
addresses for the smooth service. This function is only provided to OfficeServ 7100 MP11.
When various functions such as the VoIP signal process function and gateway function
executed through the IP network in OfficeServ 7100 are executed in the Virtual Private
Network (VPN), the system should be set to prevent the packet blocking during the IP
address conversion due to the tunneling. In this case, the call module and data module
interwork each other and share the tunneling conversion information for smooth services.
This function is only provided to OfficeServ 7100 MP11.