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© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Return Receipt (Certified Messages)
A subscriber may request to be notified when the recipient listens to a message.
After the message has been delivered and played back by the recipient, a confirmation
receipt is placed in the new message queue of the sender’s mailbox, it contains the date and
time that the message was played.
Self Memo/Reminder
Easily and quickly leave a reminder in your own mailbox. This virtual notepad is available
wherever there is a phone, and can be set for immediate or future delivery.
This makes them useful for keeping track of your entire workload to schedule or serve as
reminders for meetings.
Self Memo/Reminder Categories
If allowed by the system administrator a subscriber may designate the reminders they
create as either a Commitment, Follow Up or Task. The individual meaning of these labels
may vary from person to person. Their intent is to provide a way of separating reminders
into different categories. These categories can be reviewed in the subscriber Workload
Subscriber Workload Manager
This allows a subscriber to group reminders by a Commitment, Follow Up or Task in order
to better organize the workload. Their entire workload can be reviewed or a specific group.
Until… Scheduling
The Until… Scheduling method is an easy way to schedule the termination of an
OfficeServ 7100 Voice Mail service relative to the time the service is set active.
Most of the services in the OfficeServ 7100 Voice Mail give subscribers greater control
over their communications by providing Until… Scheduling. The subscriber just sets a
time for the service to terminate, concurrent with activating it, and does not have to worry
about remembering to deactivate the service in the future. The Until… Scheduling options
are, a number of hours, 1 to 9, the end of the current business day, based on the
subscriber’s current availability schedule, for the beginning of the next business day, also
based on the sub-scriber’s current availability schedule, a day of the coming week, Monday
through Sunday, a specific date, hour and minute, or until further notice.
4.4.5 Administration Features
Activity Display
While the OfficeServ 7100 Voice Mail system (VMS) is running, a status screen in the web
management will show useful statistics about the system. Number of calls, average calls
per week, number of times all ports were busy, total messages and space available.