Automatic Backflush Filter F450
– 1.3
Georg Schünemann GmbH, Bremen
If malfunctions are determined during the operation of the automatic backflush
filter F450, then the filter should be shut down immediately!
Proceed as described in
Chapter 1.3.4
Chapter 1.3.5
Chapter 1.3.6
„Safety at setting out of operation“
Determined malfunction are to be eliminated immediately.
The work may be carried out only by trained and instructed personnel.
The Georg Schünemann GmbH is to be informed, if serious malfunction occur,
which are not to be repaired with own staff.
Malfunction can announce themselves by changed noises of the filter (screech,
clatter, vibrations). If noises change the cause is to be followed immediately.
The determined malfunction may be repaired only with switched off automatic
backflush filter F450!
The automatic backflush filter F450 may be set into operation again only after cut
out the malfunction.
A safety check and a functional test are to be carried out.