Model 3095FB Multivariable Transmitter with Modbus Protocol
Modbus Protocol Guide
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2.0 Overview of Modbus Conventions
The Rosemount 3095FB is a Modbus compatible measurement device. The transmitter supports
8-bit Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) data transmission mode with a subset of read commands,
write commands, and diagnostic commands used by most Modbus compatible host controllers.
The transmitter’s microprocessor emulates Modbus read/write and read only coils and registers.
2.1 Physical Communications Layer
The communications parameters are set at 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. These parame-
ters are not configurable. The baud rate is selectable using dip switches on the 3095FB output
board. Valid baud rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600.
2.2 Transactions on Modbus Networks
The Modbus protocol uses a master/slave technique, providing for one master and up to 247
slaves. Only the master can initiate a transaction.
Transactions are either a query/response type where only a single slave is addressed, or a
broadcast/no response type where all slaves are addressed.
The host (master) controller can produce query frames or broadcast frames. Query frames
generate a response frame from one slave device. Broadcast frames address all the slave
devices, which do not respond. A query/response message includes one query frame and one
response frame. A broadcast message includes one broadcast frame. Each frame has an
address field, a function field, a data field, and an error check field.
2.2.1 Address Field
In a query frame, the address field contains a slave’s polling address. In a response frame,
the address field contains the polling address of the responding slave device. In a broadcast
frame, the address field contains a 0.
2.2.2 Function Field
In a query frame or a broadcast frame, the function field contains a function code, which
indicates the read, write, or diagnostic command to be performed.
Table 2-1 Format of Query and Response Frame
Address Field(U8)
Function Field(U8)
Data Field(Size var-
ies with function)
Error Check Field(U16)