Print Options
Print options give you access to the special features of your copier and EB-105EX.
Print options can be specified in several places—in EB-105EX Setup, or from the
printing application, Fiery Downloader, Command WorkStation, Fiery WebSpooler,
or Fiery Spooler. The table in this appendix briefly describes each print option and its
default setting, and provides information on any constraints or requirements in effect.
About printer drivers and printer description files
The EB-105EX receives files from computers on the network, processes (RIPs) them,
and then sends them to the copier. Windows and Mac OS computers communicate
with the EB-105EX by means of a printer driver and printer description (PPD) files.
The driver allows you to use special features of the EB-105EX from the Print dialog
A printer driver manages printing communication between your application and the
printer. It interprets the instructions generated by the application, merges those
instructions with printer-specific options you specify, and translates all information
into PostScript, a language the printer understands. In other words, the printer driver
writes a PostScript file based on your original file and the options you set from the
Print dialog box.
A printer driver also allows you to select print options for your copier. To do this, the
printer driver must be matched with a PPD file for your EB-105EX. A PPD file
contains information about the features and capabilities of a particular device (for
example, what paper sizes and media types are supported). The printer driver reads the
information in this file and presents that information to you in the form of options
you can choose from the Print dialog box. For information on the specific print
options for the EB-105EX, see the table on
Appendix A:
Print Options