Settings for Zones 1 and 2
zone (on/off)
............... Service switch on/off the zone. When a zone is switched off on service level, there
is no zone frost protection function.
max.t to zone (°C)
...... Setting max. heating water temperature into a zone. The desired temperature
calculated by Controller will not exceed this set value.
min.t to zone (°C)
....... Setting min. heating water temperature into a zone. The desired temperature
calculated by Controller will not be below this set value.
room sensor
.............. Selection if a temperature sensor (Pt1000, or a WiFi sensor), an RC 25 room unit
or room unit with display (RCM2, RCD or RCA) is used, or if the controller works
without a room sensor. Or you can choose a WiFi sensor or thermostat (therm)
that will only switch between comfort and setback temperature.
no room sens.recalc. DTheat./room (°C)
.................................... Setting a temperature drop for heating water and room temperature. E.g. the value
3 means that if the heating water temperature changes by 3°C, the room
temperature will change by circa 1°C. This parameter applies when no room
sensor is present.
external blocking input (sensor list)
.................................... Setting the terminal to which an input will be connected that is used for blocking
the heating zone externally. It is possible to select any free input to IR, or inputs
from an add-on digital input module (if present).
turn pump OFF (--)
.... If this function is on (option
), the zone circulation pump will switch off when
the temperature in zone reaches the desired value (with ± 0.3 °C difference).
input for bivalent valve (sensor list)
.................................... Setting the terminal to which the input from a bivalent valve will be connected (in
case of a Lyra/Vega type control). It is possible to select any free input to IR, or
inputs from an add-on digital input module (if present).
Setting the weather compensating (OTC) curve
exponent (-)
................ Projected exponent of heating system (based on the heating system design). It is
generally recommended to set this parameter to 1.0 - 1.1 for floor heating system
and to 1.3 for convector radiators.
temp. drop (°C)
.......... Projected temperature drop of heating system (based on the heating system
design). It shall be entered in the following order: heating water temperature /
heating return temperature.
calculation temps. indoor (°C)
.................................... Indoor calculation temperature of heating system; it varies based on the purpose
of the building/room to be heated (for majority of applications it is recommended
to leave this temperature at 20 °C).