NY1 7897462v.2
Effective As Of January 1, 2011
DHS Systems LLC provides a limited warranty that all DRASH
(Deployable Rapid
Assembly Shelter) products shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for
the period of time shown in the Warranty Schedule below. This warranty shall be for the
benefit of the original purchaser and shall inure to the benefit of any additional end users
of the product, shall begin on the date of shipment to the original purchaser and extend for
the period of time shown in the Warranty Schedule set forth below (but in no event in
excess of that time).
DRASH Shelters and Shelter Accessories: 60 Months
DRASH UST Trailers and Trailer Accessories: 24 Months
DRASH Heaters and Heater Accessories: 24 Months
DRASH Power Distribution Unit (PDU): 24 Months
The liability of DHS Systems LLC hereunder is limited to the labor and parts required to
repair or replace any defective part or other covered defect in material or workmanship.
Damage due to excessive wear and tear, improper use or carelessness is not covered under
this limited warranty. Any attempt to repair a defect by a party not authorized by DHS
Systems LLC may void this warranty.
This warranty is contingent upon a) proper operation of the products in accordance with
the operating instructions provided and b) proper maintenance and care of the equipment
in accordance with the operating instructions provided.
Warranty claims must contain a detailed explanation of the defect and be supported by
summary extracts of pertinent service and maintenance records, if applicable. DHS
Systems LLC shall have the right to examine the alleged defect and may require the
claimant at the claimant’s expense, to return the product for such an examination, if
practicable. In the event the claim is validated, claimant shall be reimbursed for the cost of
shipping the product to DHS Systems LLC. If DHS Systems LLC personnel are required
to visit the claimant’s site to validate any claim and such claim is not validated, all expenses
for travel and accommodations will be charged to the claimant.