user manual
Proprietary Redline Communications © 2004
Page 29 of 103
4.4 System
4.4.1 Transceiver
The radio transceiver is housed in an aluminum alloy case. The connectors are listed
in the following sections.
Figure 9: Transceiver
4.4.2 IF Port (Radio Control)
The transceiver IF port (female F-type connector) is for communications with the
terminal. This port is connected with the terminal through coaxial cable.
4.4.3 RF
The transceiver RF port (female N-type connector) is for sending/receiving the RF
signal to/from the antenna. A short coaxial cable is provided to connect the
transceiver to the antenna.
4.4.4 Alignment Pin and Audible Signal
For basic alignment using the received signal, an alignment buzzer (intermittent tone
sweep generator) and a voltage pin is available on the ODU transceivers. The faster
the repetition rate of the buzzer displays the stronger the signal received from the
remote end.
You can also adjust for a voltage peak using a DC voltmeter connected to the
alignment voltage pin on the ODUs (if equipped). Use of either the buzzer or
alignment pin is enabled using the software interface. Use the Web interface field
General Antenna Alignment to enable and disable this feature (Refer to section 5.5:
Configure System on page 38).
4.4.5 Antenna
The same type of antenna can be used for both ends of any PTP deployment. Refer to
section 8.3: Antenna and Power Specifications on page 81 for descriptions and
specifications of available antennas