Master Read Operation
8.2.4 Master Write
A Master Write operation starts with the RTL8169 asserting REQB. If GNTB is asserted within 2 clock cycles, FRAMEB,
Address, and Command will be generated 2 clocks after REQB (Address and FRAMEB for 1 cycle only). If GNTB is asserted 3
cycles or later, FRAMEB, Address, and Command will be generated on the clock following GNTB.
The device will wait for 8 cycles for the assertion of DEVSELB. If DEVSELB is not asserted within 8 clocks, the device will
issue a Master Abort by asserting FRAMEB HIGH for 1 cycle. IRDYB will be forced HIGH on the following cycle. Both signals
will become tri-state on the cycle following their deassertion.
On the clock edge after the generation of Address and Command, the data bus will become valid, and the C/BE bus will contain
valid byte enables. On the clock edge after FRAMEB was asserted, IRDYB will be asserted (and FRAMEB will be deasserted if
this is to be a single read operation). On the clock where both TRDYB and DEVSELB are detected as asserted, valid data for the
next cycle will become available (and the byte enables will change if necessary). This will continue until the cycle following the
deassertion of FRAMEB.
On the clock where the second to last write cycle occurs, FRAMEB will be forced HIGH (it will be tri-stated 1 cycle later). On
the next clock edge that the device detects TRDYB asserted, it will force IRDYB HIGH. It, too, will be tri-stated 1 cycle later.
This will conclude the write operation. The RTL8169 will never force a wait state during a write operation.
Master Write Operation