L Trouble Shooting
When all WR series instruments are powered on an internal calibration and check sequence is
Upon completion of the check sequence the test set will proceed to the “Main Screen”.
Should there be any problem detected with the test set an error message will appear.
System does not display anything:
1. Check the display for any Initialization.
2. Check the fuses. The fuses are located on the rear panel of the instruments.
For detailed descriptions see in the following chapters:
- WR100:
- WR50:
- WR14
Touch Panel does not work:
Connect a USB mouse to the USB port and control the instrument with it.
The instrument will automatically display a cursor and everything can be done by mouse.
See chapter Mouse Cursor on page 49.
Try to recalibrate the touch panel: See chapter C.1 Calibrate Touchscreen on page 118.
USB Memory Stick does not work:
There are a few unsupported memory sticks available on the market. Please use another model or
brand and try again.
Test Current cannot be turned on:
Is the Emergency stop switch pushed in? Turn it counter clockwise to release.
Instruction Manual Winding Resistance Meter
Type WR100 / WR50 / WR14
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