- Charges inductive loads up to 1500 Henry
- Heavy-duty protection circuitry
- Simple touch screen operation
- Data exchange with an USB-Key
- 3 Temperature channels
- High power DC Supply (50A/50V)
- DC Current adjustable for resistance values from 0.00μΩ to 100kΩ
- Fastest Discharge unit on market (more than 10 times faster)
- Discharge Indicator – visible and audible indicator for discharge status
- Demagnetizing Circuit
- Warning device output to show “transformer under test”
- Emergency stop push button immediately turns off power and starts discharging
- Data transfer to external Printer
- Data Storage of up to 10000 measurements
- Fastest discharge time in the market
- 2 Year standard warranty
Instruction Manual Winding Resistance Meter
Type WR100 / WR50 / WR14
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