7.2 Heat Run Test Software
The Heat Run Test Software, option AHRT 01, is used to analyse the measurement results of the
copper loss test of the windings of a transformer and to calculate the resistance values of the
winding at the working temperature (time zero).
7.2.1 Introduction
The Heat Run Test (HRT) performs a measurement during the cooling curve of a transformer after
the transformer has been heated.
The measurement is made in the interval
mode without temperature correction.
In the Setup Menu the following settings must be made:
Activate “Interval Mode“ and select the interval
time. Select the time in seconds between
measuring points (Interval Time) and the
number of data points (Count).
Disable the Quality Assistant
The Temperature correction must be
deactivated for heat run testing
15 See chapter Interval on page 61
Instruction Manual Winding Resistance Meter
Type WR100 / WR50 / WR14
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