MT5 Multi-Tracer Operating Manual
page 18
3.1.5. Power Up
Once all AC power, control, module, and signal connection have been made, turn on
the AC power switches of both the load and control unit. The system takes
approximately 2 minutes to completely power up and boot. The Multi-Tracer will
automatically begin collecting data as soon as it completes its startup process.
3.1.6. Network
Interaction with the Multi-Tracer system requires a functioning network connection to the
unit. This network connection is the primary user interface to the unit. Please refer to the
section 6
“Network Connection” for details on setting up and testing the network
connection to the Multi-Tracer.
3.1.7. Setting the Time
The first thing to do after getting the MT5 system running and establishing a network
connection is to set the system date and time.
This is done using the “Systems” menu in
the software as described in section 4.4.1
“Date & Time”. There are numerous other
user settings that affect how the data are collected. Refer to the following section “MT5
Configuration and Use” for details on all of the available settings.