MT5 Multi-Tracer Operating Manual
page 48
FTP ac
cess defaults to the MT5 “data” directory. Within this directory are two folders
“mtd” and “curves”. The “mtd” directory contains the daily performance data (MTD) files.
The “curves” directory contains all of the IV curve data files.
Note: The Multi-tracer creates a new MTD file at midnight every day. Therefore, the
current day’s MTD file will always represent a partial day. To avoid confusion, it is best
NOT to copy this partial day. Or if you do, be sure to copy the complete daily file at a
later date.
File management is not automatic. Files will stay on the MT5 until deleted by the data
administrator. The MT5 can store months of data but you should never rely on the MT5
for data archiving. As with any computer data, you must make regular backups of the
data to prevent possible data loss.
Again, Raydec recommends transferring data from the MT5 on a daily basis.
As for actual FTP access, a modern browser such as Firefox and Internet Explorer (IE)
support FTP access. FTP functionality is built into IE and in fact, Internet Explorer can
present FTP directories as standard Windows file system directories. This makes it as
easy to work with these files as they would be if they were part of your desktop file
Firefox doesn’t have a built in FTP client, but there are plug-ins available such as
“FireFTP” that add this functionality to Firefox.