MT5 Multi-Tracer Operating Manual
page 28
Associated Temperatures, Irradiance and Aux Data
Performance data recorded in the MTD data files contains all module, temperature, and
auxiliary data. Therefore the Multi-Tracer makes no relationship between module
channels and specific temperature or auxiliary inputs for data recorded to MTD files.
Refer to section 5.1
“Performance Data” for more information on these files.
However, typically a subset of temperatures and auxiliary (irradiance) data
measurements have a physical association with a given module, module temperature(s)
for example. It is therefore unnecessary, potentially confusing, and a waste of storage
space to store all temperature and auxiliary data measurements in every IV curve. The
association feature defines which temperature, irradiance and auxiliary measurements
are recorded in a given module’s IV curves data file.
For example, the following temperature associations show that system temperature ID 5
(labeled “ACME”) is defined (associated) as this module’s temperature number 1.
Similarly, system temperature ID 6, “Ambient”, is this module’s temperature number 2.
Therefore, for this module’s IV curve file, temperature number 1 and 2 will actually come
from MT5 system temperature ID’s 5 and 6.
Press the “Edit” button to bring up the dialog, shown in Figure 16, and set these