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set parameters related to cooperation with a computer, i.e. port to which
the computer is to be connected, <P4.1.1 PORT>.
Accessible option:
– RS 232 port, to which the computer is connected
19.1.2 Continuous transmission
Continuous transmission parameter has been designed to enable turning on/off
continuous transmission of a measurement.
List of parameter options:
<CAL. UNIT> - continuous transmission in a calibration unit, independently
from currently chosen weight unit, measurements are transmitted in unit
set on a main measuring device (calibration unit),
<CURRENT UNIT> - continuous transmission in a current unit
measurements are transmitted in a current unit; the unit changes
dynamically whenever the user presses Units button in order to modify the
unit on a display.
<NONE> - continuous transmission off.
Continuous transmission may be turned on/off by means of command sent from
a computer (go to COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL section).
19.1.3 Printout interval for continuous transmission
<P4.1.3. INTERVAL> parameter has been designed to enable specifying frequency
of printouts for continuous transmission.
Frequency of printouts is set in seconds, wherein the accuracy is 0.1s.
The user may set any time value ranging from 1000 to 0.1 s.