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Total sum and data relating to quantity of ingredients added to the total
sum are displayed in the bottom line (if such option has been selected for
totalising mode).
Load container intended for weighing the ingredients, tare its mass. Next,
put the first ingredient into the container, wait for stable indication, next
button to confirm.
The software adds weight of the ingredient to the total weight, automatic
tarring of the indication proceeds (zero indication is displayed), modified
total sum and data relating to quantity of ingredients added to the total
sum are displayed in the bottom line.
Put next ingredient in the container, wait for stable indication, next press
button to confirm.
If wrong weight for the most recently added ingredient has been entered,
return to the previous step of the procedure, replace the wrong weight
value with a correct one and add it to the total sum again. Follow the
below porcedure:
With all the ingredients weighed, finish the totalizing operation. Follow the
below porcedure: