each vertex point of expected area on the, when you are done, press right mouse
button and the last point will connect with the first one, completing the area and
painting it with the pattern or the just a color you have chosen. There is no need to
click all boundary points, while adjacent areas drawing. It is enough to set only
three points on an existing boundary zigzag line, what contacts with the new
expecting area (the fist point of boundary line, an any point in between and the last
point of the boundary). Boundary zigzag line will be automatically constructed
repeating the marked outline portion of an existing area after you place the third
point, now you can finish drawing adjacent area with any additional points.
Fig. 11.13.a. Dialogue Box for Area
Fig. 11.13.b. Dialogue Box for Area Tuning with
Pattern Selection.
- is used for symbolic display of the cross-section of a pipe or a cable on
the profile. After selecting this option press and hold left mouse button and then
move the mouse as if you are selecting the area when you are done release mouse
button, you will be asked to specify Pipe fill color, to confirm press OK button. To
remove the pipe place the cursor on it, click the right mouse button and select
option Delete.
– used to automatically select interfaces between media along the
profile from the maxima of the reflected signals with an option to save the defined
interface as an ASCII file. After selecting this option dialog window will appear
letting you to select color and width of line depicting the interface. Confirm your
choice by pressing the OK button, then place the pointer to the corresponding
signal line of a ground interface and press the left mouse button. In appeared dialog
box specify a profile section, within which interface selection will be made. Press
OK button again and the line of your chosen color and width will be displayed
coinciding with the signal line. If appeared line does not coincide with the signal
correctly please use
Edit picket
Edit picket.
Editing should be always performed consequently from left to
right along the profile. After
Edit picket
option has been selected, place your
cursor at the place of the picket where the failure has occurred. Press and hold left
mouse button and move it to the location where you think the interface should
pass. Release the button to confirm. You can repeat this operation multiple times
until you achieve a satisfactory result. If you wish to save picketing results as
ASCII file, place cursor to the picket line, press right mouse button and select
as ASCII file
option in the pull down menu. Enter filename and press
As default the program will offer the same filename as initial file name with
– exit from the annotations mode.