(either ETH or Radio interface) used in a RipEX and the respective UDP port number. The source IP
address of outgoing packets from COM ports is equal to IP address of the interface (either Radio or
Ethernet) through which the packet has been sent. Outgoing interface is determined in Routing table
according to the destination IP. The default UDP port numbers are COM1 = 8881, COM2 = 8882. If
necessary they may be changed using CLI, nevertheless it is recommended to stick to the default values
because of dependencies between different settings (e.g. Protocols) in the network.
UDP port settings is valid only in Router mode. In Bridge mode all packets received by COM
port are broadcasted to all COM ports on all RipEXes within the network.
Fig. 7.7: Menu COM
List box: possible values
Default = RS232
COM1 is always RS232, COM2 can be configured to either RS232 or RS485.
The settings of Data rate, Data bits, Parity and Stop bits of COM port and connected device must
Baud rate [bps]
List box: standard series of rates from 300 to 115200 bps
Default = 19200
Select Baud rate from the list box: 300 to 115200 bps rates are available.
Serial ports use two-level (binary) signaling, so the data rate in bits per second is equal to the symbol
rate in bauds
Data bits
List box: 8, 7
Default = 8
The number of data bits in each character.
List box: None, Odd, Even
Default = None
RipEX Radio modem & Router – © RACOM s.r.o.
Advanced Configuration