The default gateway (applies to whole RipEX). It can be set only in the Routing menu while Router
List box: Off, Server
Default = Off
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server in RipEX sets network configuration (IP address,
Mask, Gateway) in connected DHCP clients. They have to be connected to the same LAN as the ETH
interface of RipEX. The Mask set is the same as on RipEX ETH, the Gateway is the IP address of ETH
interface of RipEX. Typical DHCP client is e.g. a PC used for configuration of RipEX.
Never activate the DHCP Server when ETH interface of RipEX is connected to LAN, where
another DHCP server is operating.
Start IP
Default = IP address of ETH int 1
DHCP Server assigns addresses to connected clients starting from this address.
End IP
DHCP server assigns IP addresses to clients from the range defined by Start IP and End IP (inclus-
No of leases
Default = 5 [1 - 255]
Maximum number of DHCP client(s) which can RipEX simultaneously serve. It can not be more
than the number of addresses available in the Start IP - End IP range.
Lease timeout [DD:HH:MM:SS]
Default = 1 day (max. 10 days)
A DHCP Client has to ask DHCP Server for refresh of the received configuration within this timeout,
otherwise the Lease expires and the same settings can be assigned to another device (MAC).
Assigned IP's
Table shows MAC addresses of Clients and IP addresses assigned to them by the Server. Expiration
is the remaining time till the respective Lease expires. If the assigned IP addresses are required to
be deleted, set DHCP Server to Off, then action Apply and set DHCP server to On (+Apply) again.
Preferred IP's
It is possible to define which IP should be assigned by the Server to a specific MAC. The requested
IP has to be within the Start IP – End IP range.
List box: On, Off
Default = Off
Ethernet interface could easily overload the Radio channel. Because of that, it is possible to shape
traffic received from the ETH interface.
If On, specified volume of Data [Bytes] in specified Period [sec] is allowed to enter the RipEX from ETH
interface. The first packet which exceeds the limit is stored in the buffer and transmitted when new
Period starts. Further over-limit packets are discarded.
List box: Auto, 100baseTX/Full, 100baseTX/Half, 10baseT/Full, 10baseT/Half
RipEX Radio modem & Router – © RACOM s.r.o.
Advanced Configuration