Fig. 7.14: Menu Monitoring
Monitoring is an advanced on-line diagnostic tool, which enables a detailed analysis of communication
over any of the interfaces of a RipEX router. In addition to all the physical interfaces (RADIO, ETH,
COM1, COM2), some internal interfaces between software modules can be monitored when such ad-
vanced diagnostics is needed.
Monitoring output can be viewed on-line or saved to a file in the RipEX (e.g. a remote RipEX) and
downloaded later.
Description of internal interfaces can be found below.
Tick boxes:
RADIO, COM1, COM2, ETH, Internal
When ticked, the setting for the respective interface(s) is enabled. When the "Internal" interface is
ticked, another set of interface tick-boxes appears as follows:
RADIO, COM1, COM2, TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, Modbus TCP
When ticked, the setting for the respective internal interface(s) is enabled (see the description below).
Common parameters for all interfaces:
Destination IP address
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Advanced Configuration