UNI is the "Universal" protocol utility designed by RACOM. It is supposed to be used when the applic-
ation protocol is not in the RipEX list and the addressed mode of communication is preferable in the
network (which is a typical scenario). The key condition is that messages generated by the Master
application device always contain the respective Slave address and that address (or its relevant part)
position, relative to the beginning of the message (packet, frame), is always the same (Address position).
Generally two communication modes are typical for UNI protocol: In the first one, communication has
to be always initiated by the Master and only one response to a request is supported; in the second
mode, Master-Master communication or combination of UNI protocol with ASYNC LINK protocol and
spontaneous packets generation on remote sites are possible.
The UNI protocol is fully transparent, i.e. all messages are transported and delivered in full, without
any modifications.
Underlined parameters are described in
Common parameters
Mode of Connected device
Address mode
List box: Binary (1 B), ASCII (2 B), Binary (2B LSB first). Binary (2B
MSB first).
Default = Binary (1 B)
RipEX reads the Protocol address in the format and length set (in Bytes).
The ASCII 2-Byte format is read as 2-character hexadecimal represent-
ation of one-byte value. E.g. ASCII characters AB are read as 0xAB
hex (10101011 binary, 171 decimal) value.
Address position
Specify the sequence number of the byte, where the Protocol address
starts. Note that the first byte in the packet has the sequence number
1, not 0.
Address mask (Hex)
When the Address mode is Binary 2 Bytes, a 16-bit value is read from
the SCADA protocol message according to the Address mode setting
(either the MSB or the LSB first), The resulting value is then bit-masked
by the Address mask and used as the input value for SCADA to IP ad-
dress translation (e.g. by a table). The default value of the Address
mask is FFFF, hence the full 16-bit value is used by default.
The Address mode is set to Binary (2B LSB first), the Address mask is
set to 7FF0 and the Address position is set to 2. The SCADA message
starts with bytes (in hex) 02 DA 92 C3 .. The 2-Byte address is read as
0x92DA (note the LSB came first in the message), Then 0x7FF0 mask
is applied and the resulting value 0x12D0 (0x92DA & 0x7FF0) is used
as the input for the translation.
Poll response control
List box: On, Off
Default = On
© RACOM s.r.o. – RipEX Radio modem & Router
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