5. Bench test
5.1. Connecting the hardware
Before installing a RipEX network in the field, a bench-test should be performed in the lab. The RipEX
Demo case is great for this as it contains everything necessary: 3 RipEX’s, Power supply, dummy load
antennas, etc.
If you use your own installation for lab tests, don’t forget:
A dummy load or an actual antenna with 50 ohm impedance should be connected to the RipEX
The minimum RF output must be set to avoid overloading the dummy antenna and to keep the re-
ceived signal at reasonable level, between -40 and -80 dBm.
The power supplies must meet the requirements given in the specifications, Table 4.6, “Technical
parameters”. Make sure the power supplies do not generate interference in the radio channel and
that they can handle very fast changes in the load when RipEX switches from reception to transmis-
sion and back.
24 VDC
24 VDC
24 VDC
config. PC
Fig. 5.1: Bench test
5.2. Powering up your RipEX
Switch on your power supply. LED PWR flashes quickly and after 8 seconds it switches to a green
light. After approximately 30 seconds your RipEX will have booted and will be ready; the STATUS LED
shines. You’ll find the description of the individual LED states in Section 4.3, “Indication LEDs”.
5.3. Connecting RipEX to a programming PC
To configure a RipEX you can connect it to your PC in two ways:
RipEX Radio modem & Router – © RACOM s.r.o.
Bench test