Generation Compact RDMS
Telemetry Receiver
Quasonix, Inc.
14 Appendix E - PCM Framer/Deframer Function
Quasonix RDMS™ receivers recognize PCM frames as defined by IRIG 106-17 Chapter 4 and Appendix 4-A. The
receiver can provide basic processing of a large subset of possible frame configurations, including sync word
detection, subframe ID checking, and data extraction from the frame structure (without decommutation). Within the
receiver, this functionality is referred to as the PCM Deframer.
To facilitate testing the PCM Deframer, Quasonix Receiver Analyzers can generate PCM frames using external
(user) data or internal test patterns for the frame payload. Within the Receiver Analyzer, this functionality is referred
to as the PCM Framer.
This note describes the detailed capabilities of the PCM Framer and Deframer.
14.1 PCM Framer
The PCM Framer supports fixed-length PCM frame generation with the following parameters:
Major frame length up to 256 minor frames
Minor frame length up to 16,384 bits
Minor frame sync pattern 16 to 33 bits (user-selectable pattern and length)
Optional subframe ID (SFID) insertion (word 1 position only)
The resulting PCM frame format appears as:
Figure 22: Frame Format with SFIC Insertion Enabled
*Major Frame Length = Minor Frame Maximum Length multiplied by Z