Generation Compact RDMS
Telemetry Receiver
Quasonix, Inc.
Detailed help displays follow a common convention:
Upper case parameters indicate command control parameters that must be entered as specified:
BR M - BR command followed by the command control parameter 'M'
Angle brackets '<' and '>' indicate value parameters. A value parameter is a variable parameter to a
command. A value parameter may be either a numeric or text value, or an additional command control
FR <f> - FR command followed by the value parameter <f>
Square brackets '[' and ']' indicate optional parameters:
MO [<m>] - MO command followed by optional value parameter <m>
Vertical bars '|' indicate a choice of parameters:
AGC [M <m>|<e>]
AGC command followed by optional M control parameter followed by the <m> value parameter OR
AGC command followed by just the <e> value parameter.
Braces '{' and '}' indicate a required value:
DDT [P {<s>|<p>}]
DDT command followed by optional command control parameter 'P'. If the 'P' command control parameter
is used it is followed by a required <s> OR <p> value parameter.
A complex example:
AGC BA [<e>|V <a>|I|O <t> [A]]
The AGC command followed by the BA command control parameter, followed by one of:
<e> value parameter
the V command parameter followed by the <a> value parameter
the I or O command parameter followed by the <t> value parameter followed by an optional A
command parameter IF Filter Control - IF
The IF filter control command displays and controls the filter selections.