2. In the left menu, click on Maintenance and then "FW Upgrade"
3. Click on the "I accept upgrade firmware" button
4. Select the new binary FW file that loader is to be upgraded with by
clicking on the "Browse..." button
5. Click on the "Upgrade" button. The upgrade process has now started.
6. The Remote Interface is, after uploading the file, stalled. The progress of
the upgrade can be observed on the front panel.
7. Front panel: Flash Firmware / RMM Update / Preparing (This message is
displaying for 5 - 10 seconds)
8. Front panel: Flash Firmware / RMM Update / Checking ECC (This
message is displaying for 1 - 2 minutes)
9. Front panel: Flash Firmware / DACI Update / Reprogramming / Do Not
Interfere! (this message is displaying for 20 - 30 seconds.)
10. The Front panel’s green backlight is turned off - a reset of the loader is
taking place.
The firmware revision is displayed on the remote management pages. It can
also be viewed from the front panel menu.
Drive Firmware upgrade via SCSI
A suitable utility program, FlashIt, and the latest firmware image file, can be
downloaded from the ADIC web site
. The program is
available for Windows XP, Windows 2000/2003, and Windows NT.
Read this entire procedure before you perform an upgrade.
1. Copy the FlashIt utility on your computer or server where the loader is
2. Make sure the computer has detected the tape drive. (Look for “Tape drives”
in the “Device Manager”: Right click "My Computer" – “Manage” – “Device
3. Most Windows operating systems may require that all backup services
started by the backup software application be stopped before the FlashIt
utility is started.
4. If a Windows driver is loaded for the tape drive in question, it will block the
SCSI port for the flashing utility and FlashIt will not see the drive. Cure:
Disable the device. (Select and disable the tape drive in the Device
Manager: "My Computer" – “Manage” – “Device Manager”).
5. The appropriate firmware file must be located in the same directory as the
FastStor 1 Installation and User Guide