The following screen, Figure 4.14, appears, identifying the magazine:
Eject both mags.
Figure 4.14 Removing magazine
Scroll to the correct magazine (Both, Left or Right magazine) and press
The selected magazine will pop out 2 to 3 cm, See next figure.
The display will show a message telling that the magazine or magazines is/are
If only one magazine is ejected, the display indicates a button to push to
eject the other magazine.
Figure 4.15 Magazine eject
With one hand, grip the handle on the outer side of the magazine bezel and hold
the other hand under the magazine. Pull the magazine carefully out and keep it in
level with the loader. Use the hand under the magazine to prevent the back of the
magazine to fall down when it leaves the magazine bay. See the following
FastStor 1 Installation and User Guide