DS-1200 G4i Operator Manual Issue 4 - Nov 2020
Envelope printer
(if fitted):
Job name:
The job name applies to the Flexmail project that the printer is using
and which the software will use when running the machine. The scripting is the
Flexmail language used in the project. Options are No printing / Sequential /
Database lookup
Scripting mode:
This defines how the printer actions the mailpiece.
Pass through/No printing:
Mailpieces continue unprinted to franker or
Mail shot/Sequential:
Mailpieces will be printed with data supplied by
Flexmail database in a sequential order from top to bottom.
Matching/DB lookup:
Mailpieces will be printed with data read from the
column in the Flexmail database named under the Lookup option in the Edit
Printer Settings dialog box. This is defined by the characters selected in the
This allows selective data to be read from the database.
Mail shot/Sequential (non-reset):
As Mail shot/Sequential but if machine
is Autoended, then switched back on, it will continue where it left off in the
database. Without non-reset, the machine will restart at the first entry.
Matching/Dynamic DB lookup:
As Matching/DB lookup except the database
is not located locally on the Flexmail PC, but accessed remotely via AIMS.
Mailshot/Dynamic Sequential:
As Mail shot/Sequential except the database
is not located locally on the Flexmail PC, but accessed remotely via AIMS.
The name of the column in the Flexmail database named under the
Lookup option in the Edit Printer Settings dialog box. This is defined by the
characters selected in the barcode.
Weighing device
(if fitted):
Weighing mode:
Sets the operation of the Weighing Scale.
Off (Pass through)
disables the scale so documents pass through unweighed;
On (Fixed)
for future development and should not be used;
On (Dynamic)
calculated weight data from the inserter and compares it to the weighed data;
if there is a disparity, an error will be flagged.