Auto Mixer TouchMix-30 Pro
Automatic Microphone Mixer (TouchMix-30 only)
An Automatic Microphone Mixer (Auto-Mixer) works by
comparing the signal levels of the assigned channels and
applying an algorithm that determines which talker (or
talkers) is (are) currently speaking. The Auto-Mixer then
sends a control command to the channels that allocates
more gain to the channels with an active talker and less to
the channels with an inactive talker. As a result feedback
and extraneous noise (such as paper rustling from
panelists or HVAC) are reduced. The Auto-Mixer simply
rides gain on the assigned channels. It does not have any
effect on signal routing. The Auto-Mixer will affect any
Aux mixes that are assigned post-fader but will not affect
pre-fader Aux sends.
Auto-Mixers are most commonly used for speech
applications such as conferences, presentations or
panel discussions in which there are multiple talkers and
multiple microphones. They also may be used in theatrical
sound reinforcement. Auto-Mixers are not intended to mix
entire bands although they have been used successfully
on horn sections and backing vocal ensembles.
The TouchMix-30 Automatic Microphone Mixer (Auto-Mixer)
is a gain sharing design that is available for all 24 mic/line
input channels. There are two independent Auto-Mixers.
Accessing the Auto-Mixer
To access the Auto-Mixer: Menu > Auto-Mixer
It may be convenient to assign a User Button to the Auto-Mixer.
To assign a User Button to the Auto-Mixer: Menu > User Buttons > Select a button from User 1 – 8
1. In the Action panel, select Go To Screen
2. In the Selection panel, select Other
3. In the Detail panel, select Auto-Mix
4. Touch the Assign button
Auto-Mixer Controls and Indicators
The Auto-Mixer Home Screen maintains the mixer’s usual channel paradigm. Cue and Mute buttons function normally. The channel fader is
shortened to allow room for Auto-Mixer controls. Controls are:
– Enables (blue) or disables (gray) Auto-Mix for the channel. When disabled, the channel functions normally.
1 and 2
– Two independent Auto-Mixers are available. These controls assign the channel to Auto-Mix group Auto-Mix 1 or Auto-Mix 2.
A blue button indicates the group to which the channel is assigned.
– Adjusts the sensitivity of the channel to compensate for loud or soft spoken talkers.
Auto-Mix 1
Auto-Mix 2
switches –
a. Out (gray) disables the Auto-Mixer
b. In (blue) enables the Auto-Mixer
Maximum Attenuation
– Sets the maximum attenuation that the Auto-Mixer will apply to the channels. For most applications
this should be left at its default value of 60 dB. But there may be circumstances in which it is desirable to limit how much attenuation the
Auto-Mixer will apply.
Metering Mode
– There are two metering modes for the Auto-Mixer.
a. Gain Only – Displays a meter that indicates the total gain applied to the channel by the fader and the Auto-Mixer. The Gain meter is inactive
when the associated channel is not assigned to the Auto-Mixer.
b. Level & Gain – Simultaneously displays the standard (green, yellow, red) channel signal-level meter on the left, and the Gain meter on the
right (blue meter).