Calibrate the sensor
To calibrate the sensor, return to the list of inputs, touch the sensor to calibrate, touch the Calibrate icon, and
select one of the calibration routines. For disinfection and Generic sensors, start with the Zero Calibration. For
electrodeless conductivity, start with the Air Calibration. Refer to section 5.2.
Touch the Main Menu icon. Touch the Outputs icon.
Outputs (see section 5.3)
Program the settings for each output
A list of all available outputs will be displayed. Touch the relay to program first to get to the Details screen.
Touch the Edit icon. If the name of the relay does not describe the control mode desired, swipe up or down until
the Mode menu is displayed. Touch the Mode menu. Swipe up or down until the correct control mode is dis-
played and touch it. This will bring you back to the Details screen.Touch the Edit icon and finish the rest of the
output’s settings.
If you want the output to be interlocked by a flow switch or by another output being active, enter the Interlock
Channels menu and select the input or output channel that will interlock this output.
The default is for the output to be in Off mode, where the output does not react to the settings. Once all settings
for that output are complete, enter the HOA Setting menu and change it to Auto.
Repeat for each output.
Home Screen Setup
(see section 5.4.9)
Once the controller has been programmed for the intended purpose, the parameters that are displayed on the
Home screen, their size, and position can be customized. The default is to display the first two sensor inputs on
the left side of the first page and the status of eight relays on the right side, with nothing on the optional second
or third page.
From the Configuration tab, touch Display Settings, and then Edit Home Screen Layout. Touch the parameter
name to change the parameter shown. Touch the Split icons to make two smaller cards from one larger card, or
touch the Merge icons to make two smaller cards into one larger one. Select the parameter to be shown in each
card. Swipe to the next page and add more cards if desired. Use the delete icon to remove everything from that
half-screen display panel. Use the Move Up or Down icons to move the entire display panel up or down.
Touch the Confirm icon to save the changes or Close to cancel the setting changes.
Normal Startup
Startup is a simple process once your set points are in memory. Simply check your supply of chemicals, turn on
the controller, calibrate it if necessary and it will start controlling.
4.5 Shut Down
To shut the controller down, simply turn off the power. Programming remains in memory. It is important that the pH/
ORP electrode and disinfection sensors remain wet. If the shutdown is expected for any longer than a day, and it is
possible for the electrode to dry out, remove the electrode from the tee and store it in pH 4 buffer or cooling tower
water. Take care to avoid freezing temperatures when storing the pH/ORP electrodes to avoid breakage of the glass.