1. The load voltage data must include decimal point, otherwise this command is unable to
execute. The most effective load voltage level can be set is the sixth digit after the decimal
2. The HIGH load level load voltage MUST be higher than LOW level load voltage for proper
HIGH/LOW voltage level definition, the load voltage difference between programmed
HIGH and LOW level is 10 times of resolution, the 33501 Series Electronic Load will
adjust and limit of the programmed values.
If the programmed HIGH level is equal or less than LOW level, the 33501 Series load will
adjust and limit HIGH level to be higher 10 times programming resolution of LOW level,
and vice versa at the programmed LOW level is equal or more than HIGH level.
3. If the programming loads voltage level over the maximum specification at programmed
range of 33501 Series load, the full-scale voltage will be sent to the load module.
4. The engineering unit for load voltage is Volts.
For Example
; set LOW level load voltage to 3.0 V.
VOLT: HIGH 45.123456
; set HIGH level load voltage to 45.123456 V.
Set the Tlow / Thigh duration of dynamic load in Constant Current mode.
Command Syntax
The PERiod of dynamic waveform is composed by Tlow and Thigh. The PERIOD LOW and
HIGH data must include decimal point, otherwise this command is unable to execute.
The effective PERIOD LOW and HIGH can be programmed is the sixth digit a after the
decimal point. If the programming period of Tlow and Thigh setting over the maximum
specification at programmed range of 33501 Series load, the maximum duration of Tlow and
Thigh will be sent to the load.
Please make sure the appropriate timer range before execute the load the PERD LOW or
HIGH command, otherwise the 33501 Series load will adjust to fit the Tlow and Thigh ranges
after programming the PERD LOW or HIGH command. The engineering unit for PERD LOW
and HIGH are
There are four timer ranges in the Tlow / T high generator to produce a wide period dynamic
range, these ranges are adjusted by 33501 Series load automatically which depends on the
programmed Tlow / Thigh range.
For Example
LOW 0.125 ; PRED
HIGH 0.8
The above GPIB command set LOW / HIGH load duration's are 0.125 ms and 0.8 ms