3302F Series Mainframe Operation Manual
Page 69
Appendix D: Auto-Sequence Quick Start with Example
An auto-sequence allows the user to step through previously saved set-ups stored in the
mainframe’s memory. Up to 9 auto-sequences can be saved. Each auto-sequence can consist of up
to 16 steps. There are two modes in the auto-sequence function. These are edit mode to set up an
auto-sequence and test mode to recall and start an auto-sequence.
Edit mode
1. Set-up all load parameters such as the operating mode, along with sink values and the
LOAD ON/OFF status. Configuration and limit settings can also be set and the NG ON
function selected.
2. Press the STORE key and one of the numbered STATE keys to store the set up in one of the
memory locations. The BANK can also be changed to provide additional memory locations.
3. Additional load set-ups can then be made and saved to separate memory locations using
the STORE, BANK and STATE buttons.
4. Once the required number of load set ups has been saved enter the EDIT mode by pressing
the EDIT button.
5. With EDIT button lit the auto-sequence identity (F1 to F9) can be selected using the
numbered STATE buttons.
6. Now select the first memory location by pressing the up/down arrow keys to select the
BANK and STATE. This will become the first step of the AUTO-SEQUENCE.
7. Press ENTER to set the chosen BANK and STATE memory location
8. Using the arrow keys set the test time (T1) and NG/LIMIT checking time (T2) for that step of
the auto-sequence.
9. Press ENTER to save the time setting and move onto the next step of the auto-sequence.
10. Repeat points 6-9 to enter up to 16 steps to form the auto-sequence
11. Once the desired number of steps have been set press the STORE button
12. The LCD will show REP.
13. Use the arrow keys to set the number of auto-sequence repetitions.
14. Press STORE to confirm the sequence edit.
Test mode
1. Press the TEST key on the mainframe to enter the TEST mode
2. Use the numbered STATE keys (1-9) to select the previously saved auto-sequence
3. Press ENTER to start the auto-sequence
4. The LCD shows “PASS” or “FAIL” after testing. (If limits and the NG functions have been set
and a test step fails then the LCD will flash NG. The user must then press ENTER to carry
on the auto-sequence or EXIT to leave the auto-sequence).