Outdoor Reset Control
SECTION XII - Outdoor Reset Control
The use of the outdoor reset function is
required to optimize boiler efficiency, see
notice below. If the outdoor sensor is not
installed before turning on the boiler, an
Outdoor Sensor Open error (E96) will be dis-
played. The error will not prevent the boiler
from operating. The error will automatically
reset once the outdoor sensor is installed or if
the outdoor reset function is disabled.
Reference TriMax Operation - EZ Setup sec-
tion for information on disabling the outdoor
reset function. The outdoor reset function can
only be disabled if the boiler installation meets
one of the exceptions listed in the notice.
Mounting the Outdoor Sensor
1. The exterior wall selected for mounting the
outdoor sensor should represent the heat
load of the building. Typically a northern
or northeastern wall will suit most build-
ings. A southern facing wall for those
buildings, which may have large glass
walls or windows on the southern face.
2. Ensure the outdoor sensor is shielded from
direct sunlight or the effects of heat or cold
from other sources (exhaust fans, appliance
vents...) to prevent false temperature sensing.
3. Mount the outdoor sensor at an elevation
on the exterior wall to prevent accidental
damage or tampering.
4. Avoid mounting the outdoor sensor in areas
subjected to excessive moisture.
5. Once an area on the exterior wall has been
determined, follow the mounting instruc-
tions included with the outdoor sensor.
Wiring the Sensor
1. Connect 18 AWG 2-wire cable or similar
cable to the outdoor sensor.
2. Route the cable back to the PRESTIGE
Excellence, ensuring the wires are not run
parallel to telephone or power cables.
If the sensor wires are located in an area
with sources of potential electromagnetic
interference (EMI) the sensor wires
should be shielded or the wires should be
routed in a grounded metal conduit. If
using shielded cable, the shielding should
be connected to the common ground of
the unit.
3. Connect the outdoor sensor wires to the out-
door sensor terminals on the low voltage ter-
minal strip located inside the boiler enclo-
sure (see Fig. 19 page 29). The outdoor sen-
sor wires do not have polarity.
In accordance with Section 325 (f) (3) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, this boil-
er is equipped with a feature that saves energy by reducing the boiler water temperature as the
heating load decreases. This feature is equipped with an override which is provided primari-
ly to permit the use of an external energy management system that serves the same function.
• An external energy management system is installed that reduces the boiler water tem-
perature as the heating load decreases.
• This boiler is not used for any space heating
• This boiler is part of a modular or multiple boiler system having a total input of
300,000 BTU/hr or greater.
• This boiler is equipped with a tankless coil.