Power over LAN Solutions
Catalog Number: 06-6910-056
Figure 4-11: Power Parameters Panel
Power Backup Present
: status of the DC backup connection. There are 3
On (backup is connected, within range)
Fault (backup is connected, not in range)
Off (backup is not connected).
Backup Activated
: shows whether the device is using the backup source. Two
states available: Activated, Not activated.
Backup DC Voltage [Volt]
: DC voltage created when the device is powered from
a DC source.
Usage Threshold [%]
: shows the quantity of power used as part of the maximum
allowed. When this threshold is passed a trap is sent to the network manager.
Two different maximum values are used, one when the main AC supply is
used, the other when the DC backup is used. Values are:
Default: 80%
Minimum: 10%
Maximum: 99%