Power over LAN Solutions
Catalog Number: 06-6910-056
as shown on Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4: HyperTerminal Screen
3.4 Starting
Initial programming of the Midspan is automatic, as shown in paragraph 3.4.1,
hereafter. For manual programming, refer to paragraph 3.4.2.
Installation using the DHCP Server
PowerDsine PowerView unit default configuration is DHCP-enabled client
when logging on to the network. When starting up, the PowerView unit
configuration is that entered the last time.
Perform the next 5 steps:
Step 1:
Connect the PoL unit to AC power and connect the null-modem
cable between the management station COM port and the PoL
RS-232 port. Connect a network cable between the PoL unit front
panel and the LAN. See the test set-up as shown in Figure 3-5.
Step 2:
Wait until the command line (
) is displayed on the screen.
Step 3:
. The Midspan unit identification is displayed as:
ipaddress: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn;
MAC address: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
Step 4:
Record the two values for future reference.
Step 5:
Proceed to paragraph 3.5 page 17, for browsing.