Power over LAN Solutions
Catalog Number: 06-6910-056
Figure 2-1: Management Deployment
2.3.1 Network
PowerDsine provides network management capabilities to monitor and control
an array of Power over LAN Midspans. The system is compatible with MIB
management platforms, including HP Openview and SNMPc.
2.3.2 Element
Element management is performed at unit and port levels.
At unit level, parameters can be retrieved directly to the Power over LAN
Midspan. These are: product identification, active power source, product status
and unit power consumption.
Parameters at port level include: maximum per port power, port priority level,
port status and type of powered device connected.
2.4 Security
Security is implemented in PowerDsine PowerView on three levels:
SNMP security
- handles the entire SNMP communication process by the
community field.
User privately-implemented security
– The User can specify the access level
of each and every employee.
Password protection
– the User is required to enter a password 3 to 10
alphanumeric characters long.