www.poolpak.com | 800-959-7725
| ComPak
Series - Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Fences must have 50% free area, with 1 foot undercut, a “W” minimum clearance, and must not exceed the tops
of the unit. If these requirements are not met, the unit must be installed as indicated for “Units in Pits”.
Figure 4-16. Remote ACC Installation When Installing Units Near Decorative Fences
Field Installed Piping
Installation of the outdoor air-cooled condenser should only be done by a qualified refrigeration mechanic
familiar with this type of work. Many service problems can be avoided by taking adequate precautions to
provide an internally clean and dry system and by using procedures and materials that conform to established
procedural standards.
The following piping recommendations are intended for use as a general guide. For more complete information,
refer to the latest ASHRAE Handbook.
• Use clean, dehydrated, refrigeration-grade copper tubing for all refrigerant lines. Hard drawn tubing should
be used where no appreciable amount of bending around pipes or obstructions is necessary. If soft copper
tubing must be used, care should be taken to avoid sharp bends which may cause restrictions and excessive
refrigerant pressure drops.
• Use long radius elbows wherever possible with one exception - short radius elbows should be used for any
traps in the hot gas riser.
• Braze all copper to copper joints with a phosphorus-copper alloy material such as Silfos 5 or equivalent.
Do not use soft solder.
• During brazing operations flow an inert gas, such as nitrogen, through the lines to prevent internal oxidation
scaling and contamination.
• Support refrigeration lines at intervals with suitable hangers, brackets or clamps.
• Pack glass fiber insulation and a sealing material around refrigerant lines, where they penetrate a wall,
to reduce vibration and to retain some flexibility.
• The liquid line and discharge line should not be in contact with one another. If the installing contractor must tie
these lines together because of an installation requirement, the contractor must insulate them from each other
to prevent heat transfer. Because the discharge line is hot during system operation, precautions should be
taken to avoid personnel injury.
• ComPak® units do not utilize compressors with unloading stages. Consequently, double hot gas risers are not
needed for reduced load conditions as refrigerant flow rates will not fall below minimum velocities necessary
to carry oil up through the discharge line.
• A field provided, field installed liquid line filter-drier is recommended in the field piping to the ComPak® unit.
* W”=Total width of the condenser