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Series - Installation, Operation and Maintenance |
Series IOM
The Mechanical Dehumidification System
Principles of Operation
The PoolPak System is a complete environmental control system designed expressly for indoor swimming pool
enclosures. It takes into account two important factors: the swimming pool occupant (personal comfort) and the
swimming pool environment (the physical structure and surrounding furnishings).
The swimming pool enclosure can be a hostile environment for equipment, decor and building structures.
A PoolPak
System’s major function is to dehumidify the pool enclosure air through a vapor compression cycle.
During this cycle the PoolPak
System recycles the sensible and latent heat and places it back into the pool water
and air as needed. This recycling process saves money and keeps your pool environment efficient and safe.
Solid state microprocessor technology, working in conjunction with sensors, continually monitors water and air
conditions provide superior occupant comfort. Unlike typical outside air ventilation systems, a PoolPak
recycles energy and blankets the walls and windows with warm, dry air.
dehumidification systems reduce the energy input required to maintain pool water and air temperatures.
By dehumidifying the air and recycling the latent energy back into the pool air and water, the unit will reduce
operating costs when compared to conventional heating and ventilating systems. Pool water and enclosure
heating are still required but with greatly reduced requirements.
A PoolPak unit, when matched correctly to the evaporation rate of the pool water and overall dehumidification
requirements, will efficiently maintain the pool air at relative humidity levels between 50% and 60%. It should
be noted that a lower evaporation rate occurs when the pool enclosure’s air temperature is maintained above
the pool water temperature. Evaporation losses, and the energy required to maintain desired room conditions,
will dramatically increase if the air temperature is allowed to fall below the pool water temperature. It is
recommended that the continuous dry bulb temperature entering the evaporator of the PoolPak
unit not fall
below 75°F.
PoolPak recommends that backup heating equipment for both pool water and pool enclosure air is capable of
carrying the full system heating requirements. This makes for a well-designed system that will provide the least
amount of pool down time if unforeseen system problems occur. Building conductive loads and other losses must
be taken into consideration.
Automatic Control of Air Temperature and Humidity
An integral part of any PoolPak
System is a proven microprocessor control system which automatically senses
and maintains comfort conditions. Sensors detect changes in humidity and air temperature in the indoor pool
environment and quickly regulate supply air conditions to meet set point comfort levels, even during periods of
unusually heavy pool use.
To prevent condensation on walls and windows, The PoolPak
System automatically adjusts humidity in
response to changes in wall or window surface temperatures. As the seasons and weather conditions change,
the PoolPak
System changes its own mode of operation. Throughout the year, PoolPak
thinks “efficiency” and
automatically selects the least expensive energy source for the poolroom conditions.