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Series - Installation, Operation and Maintenance |
Series IOM
Figure 2-1. ComPak® AW and HCD Typical Refrigerant System Schematic
If pool water heating is required (AWH models only), the hot gas flows into a pool water condenser, where
it adds energy to the incoming pool water. This heats the pool water while the refrigerant is condensed into
a warm liquid. If space cooling is called for, the refrigerant flows to the auxiliary air conditioning condenser
bypassing the air reheat coil and pool water condenser and allowing cool air from the evaporator coil to provide
space cooling.
Control System
The CPCS-PCP controller is a micro-processor based system that maintains pool enclosure humidity and air and
water temperatures at optimum levels automatically. It is also possible to monitor this critical data via the Internet
using the optional “Virtual-Tech
Remote Access Package (RAP). This also allows the controller to be accessed
from the factory via the internet or a telephone line. (AWH and HCDH only)
The CPCS-PCP is designed to work with the ComPak® dehumidification system to provide an environment that
is both comfortable and cost effective. It controls unwanted humidity in the pool enclosure and helps to prevent
unsightly condensation from forming on surfaces.
The CPCS-PCP provides accurate control and allows the user to monitor system parameters and change setpoints
easily. For this purpose, a remote interface unit with a text display and keypad is provided. The remote panel
should be mounted outside the pool space, in an office or in the equipment room. (The CPCS-PCP remote
interface unit contains no sensors.) All setpoints are saved in the memory of the CPCS-PCP and are not erased
in the event of a power failure. Critical operating data can be easily accessed by a service technician for the
purpose of system operation and evaluation.
Humidity Control
As the dewpoint temperature within the pool enclosure rises above the desired setpoint, the CPCS-PCP activates
the compressor within the ComPak® to begin the dehumidification process. If the space temperature is below the
desired setpoint, the heat recovered during dehumidification is directed to the air reheat coil for space heating.
If the pool water temperature is also below the setpoint, some of the recovered heat is directed to the pool water
condenser (model AW only) for pool water heating. If neither air heating nor pool water heating is required,