Cooking Setpoint:
To view the cooking setpoint of the fryer press the Temperature key
twice within one second. The display will change to show the cooking
setpoint for the fryer. The display will hold the setpoint for three seconds
then return to displaying the fryer status.
2.2.3 Display Product Times
Each product button has three times associated with it, cook, shake, and hold. Cook time is the total time the
product is to be cooked. The shake time is the length of time before the end of the cook cycle that the beeper
will sound to indicate you should shake the product. After the product has finished cooking it can be held for
a certain amount of time before it should be replaced with fresh product. This time is called the hold time. To
view the times associated with each product key perform the following:
You can only perform this procedure when the product key is not in
a cook or hold cycle. Viewing Product Times:
1. View the product times by first pressing the Time key and then the
product key you want to check.
2. The display will change to show the time for each of the three
changeable times. The illustrations show how the product times
will be displayed. Each time setting will be displayed for three
seconds before changing to the next one. After the last time is
displayed for three seconds the display will return to fryer status
CK Indicates Cook Time (Product key LED blinks rapidly during cook cycle)
SH Indicates Shake Time
HD Indicates Hold Time
2.2.4 Cooking Product
Cooking with the computer is very easy. Select the product button to use and press it. The computer does the
rest. The discussion below shows each step in the cooking process.
1. Press the product key for the product being cooked. The product key
LED will blink rapidly and the display will show the product cook
time and start counting down.