Always observe the safety precautions described in the front of this manual before operating this fryer.
Because fryer operation is controlled by the computer, start-up and operation is very easy. The instructions
below describe how to operate the fryer to perform daily fryer operation. Detailed programming instructions
are provided later in this chapter in section 2.3. Figure 2-1 illustrates the Intellifry computer.
Figure 2-1 Intellifry Computer
2.2.1 Fryer Start-up
Start up the fryer as described in Chapter 1. The computer will come on and display the status of the fryer. If
the shortening temperature is below the set point of the melt cycle the computer will go into one of the preset
melt cycles. When the main burners are on the LEDs in the temperature key will light. If the fryer is operating
in the melt cycle, the temperature key lights will cycle on and off at the preset times. Below is a sequence of
displays that will occur when the fryer is started up with the shortening at room temperature:
1. Turn the fryer on. If a melt cycle is programmed to run, the display will show Melt L or Melt S.
Refer to the programming section 2.3 for selection details.