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In the next screen you can see below
[Update Digital Channels]: This is to
only update the digital channels
[Quick reinstall]: This is to install all
channels with default settings
[Advanced reinstall]: This is to do a full
re-installation which takes you through
each step including changing the
installed country
Note: Both reinstall options will replace
the current channel list
When selecting [Update Digital Channels]
you will need to press [Start] to start the
update, next you will see that the TV is
searching for updates. Once done it will
give you an overview of how many digital
channels have been added or removed.
You can press [Done] to close and go back
to TV last status
When selection [Quick reinstall] you will
see that the TV starts searching to find
channels based on your default settings.
First it will search for digital channel, after
for analogue channels (if enabled in the
settings). Once done it will give you an
overview of how many digital channels
have been added or removed. You can
press [Done] to close and go back to TV
last status