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Greeting guest
The first one might be small but it can address the guest entering the room personally. You can add
the name of the person checking in to the Dashboard.
Note: Showing the guest name can also be done inside the SmartInfo pages.
In case the Hotel’s PMS allows it and CMND is configured to show the Bill information, the guest will
see an added icon on the top of the Dashboard.
When clicking on the Bill icon the guest will actively check the Hotel’s PMS system for the bill
information available for her/his specific room.
The guest will then receive onscreen an overview of her/his current balance. The currency on the bill
can be changed in the settings in CMND.
It is possible for the hotel to reach out to its guest by means of sending a message. Depending on the
capabilities of the hotel’s PMS system, this can be sent either to an individual TV or at once to all TVs.
To be able to send messages the CMND server needs to be configured to enable messaging. Once this
is done the TV will show an additional icon on the dashboard which will function as a message inbox.
Once the hotel sends a message to the guest the actual displaying of the message will depend if the
guest is set as “Do Not Disturb” or not. The current setting of this item will change the TV’s behavior
on reacting to an incoming message.