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In the [Edit Dashboard Menu] you can show or hide the manage account icon using [Show Account
Icon] and selecting [On] or [Off].
In the [Edit Dashboard Menu] you can change your settings that are reflected in the recommended
guest menu via [Recommended].
Using [Select Apps] you can select the apps that will be shown in the Recommended shelf in the guest
menu. This can be a sub selection of all apps that are shown in the Apps shelf.
Using [Select App channels] you can select the apps that are allowed to list content in the
recommended section of the TV menu.
You can enable or disable each app separately.
In the [Edit Dashboard Menu] you can change the complete menu look and feel.
Changes made towards the look and feel of the UI can be reverted or reset to its default values. This
can be done by selecting the [Revert Session Changes] or [Reset] option within the same User Interface