Container Mixing Pump CMP 30 4.0 Part 2: Overview – Operation – Spare Part Lists
27 Mortar pressure gauge ................................. 34
28 Safety regulations ......................................... 34
29 Preparation .................................................... 35
29.1 Connection to the 400 V power supply 35
29.2 Checking the individual connector
plugs .................................................. 36
29.3 Water supply connection ...................... 36
29.4 Water from water barrel connection ..... 37
30 Switching on CMP 30 4.0 ............................. 37
30.1 Setting the water volume ..................... 37
30.2 Switching off the machine .................... 38
30.3 Coupling the water hose to the mixing
tube .................................................... 38
30.4 Switching over the step switch ............. 38
31 Mortar pressure gauge ................................. 38
32 Hazardous dust ............................................. 39
33 Switching on the horizontal mixer .............. 39
33.1 Releasing the fuses for the pump unit . 39
33.2 Switching on the mixer ......................... 40
33.3 Switching off the mixer ......................... 40
33.4 Level probe in the mixer ....................... 40
33.5 Pulling the pump unit out of the frame . 40
34 Mortar hoses ................................................. 41
34.1 Preparing the mortar hoses ................. 41
34.2 Turning the step switch pump to
manual operation ............................... 41
34.3 Draining residual water from the
pump tank .......................................... 41
34.4 Filling the pump container .................... 42
34.5 Level probe in the pump container....... 42
35 Compressed air supply ................................ 43
35.1 Connecting the air hose ....................... 43
35.2 Connecting the spray gun .................... 43
35.3 Switching on the air compressor .......... 43
36 Applying mortar ............................................ 43
36.1 Switching to automatic mode ............... 44
36.2 Opening the air tap on the spray gun... 45
36.3 Interruption of work .............................. 45
36.4 In the event of a work stoppage /
pause ................................................. 46
36.5 Switching off the air compressor ......... 46
37 Remote control ............................................. 46
37.1 Using the remote control without
spray gun ........................................... 46
38 Measures to be taken in the event of a
water supply failure ................................... 47
39 Switching off in an emergency ................... 47
39.1 Emergency OFF button ....................... 47
39.2 Emergency OFF switch ....................... 47
40 Measures to be taken in the event of a
power failure .............................................. 48
40.1 Turning the main switch to position “0” 48
40.2 Discharging mortar pressure ............... 48
40.3 Discharging mortar pressure ............... 49
40.4 Switching on the machine again after
a power failure ................................... 49
41 Troubleshooting ........................................... 50
41.1 Dealing with malfunctions .................... 50
41.2 Fault displays ....................................... 50
41.3 Malfunctions ......................................... 50
41.4 Safety ................................................... 51
41.5 Table of malfunctions........................... 51
41.6 Pumping stopped / blockage ............... 53
41.7 Indications of clogged hoses: .............. 53
41.8 Possible causes: .................................. 54
41.9 Pre-existing damage on mortar hose .. 54
42 Clearing hose blockages ............................. 54
42.1 Changing the direction of rotation of
the mixing pump motor in case of
hose blockage ................................... 55
42.2 Stopper will not come loose ................. 55
42.3 Switching on the machine after
removing a blockage ......................... 56
43 End of work / Cleaning the machine .......... 56
43.1 Running the machine empty ................ 56
43.2 Securing against restarting .................. 57
43.3 Cleaning the CMP 30 4.0 .................... 57
43.4 Disconnect mortar hose ....................... 57
43.5 Cleaning the mortar hose .................... 58