Container Mixing Pump CMP 30 4.0 Part 2: Overview – Operation – Spare Part Lists
1 Testing ............................................................... 7
1.1 Testing by machine operator ................... 7
1.2 Periodic inspection ................................... 7
2 General information ......................................... 8
2.1 Information regarding the operating
manual ................................................. 8
2.2 Keep the manual for later use.................. 8
2.3 Layout ...................................................... 8
3 Equipment or accessories ............................... 9
4 Technical data ................................................. 10
4.1 General specifications ........................... 10
4.2 Connected load ...................................... 10
4.3 Operating requirements ......................... 11
4.4 Output values ......................................... 11
5 Sound power level .......................................... 11
6 Vibrations ........................................................ 11
7 Dimensions ..................................................... 12
8 Type plate ........................................................ 12
9 Quality control sticker .................................... 12
10 Overview CMP 30 4.0.................................... 13
11 Description of assemblies ........................... 15
11.1 Description of control box module ....... 15
11.2 Pump motor with tank and pump ......... 16
11.3 Geared motor with sealing unit ............ 17
11.4 Pump container .................................... 17
11.5 Frame CMP30...................................... 17
11.6 Overview water/air fitting ..................... 18
12 Operating modes step switch ..................... 19
13 Function description and operating
sequence .................................................... 20
13.1 Areas of application ............................. 20
14 Basic equipment ........................................... 20
15 Safety regulations ........................................ 20
16 Transport, packaging and storage .............. 21
16.1 Safety instructions for transport ........... 21
16.2 Transport checklist ............................... 22
16.3 Transport by car or truck ...................... 22
16.4 Transport .............................................. 22
16.5 Transport safety ................................... 23
16.6 Transport with a forklift truck ................ 23
16.7 Transportation of operational
machines ............................................ 24
17 Packaging ...................................................... 25
18 Safety ............................................................. 25
19 Set up silo with CMP ..................................... 26
20 Safety device ................................................. 26
20.1 EMERGENCY OFF pushbutton ........... 26
20.2 Position switch for pump unit................ 27
20.3 Position switch for mixing tube ............. 27
20.4 Hinge safety switch on the protective
grille .................................................... 27
21 Intended use of fitting block ........................ 28
21.1 Purpose of fitting block ......................... 28
21.2 Purpose of solenoid valve .................... 28
21.3 Purpose of flowmeter ........................... 28
22 Intended use of air compressor .................. 29
22.1 Purpose of air compressor ................... 29
22.2 Safety devices of air compressor ......... 30
22.3 General setup of the air compressor .... 30
22.4 Hot surfaces on the air compressor ..... 30
23 Description of the PFT water pump
(accessories)............................................... 31
23.1 Application field of water pump ............ 31
23.2 Proper use of the machine ................... 31
24 Water pump preparation (accessories) ...... 32
25 Initial start-up of water pump ....................... 32
25.1 Commissioning the water pump ........... 32
26 Material ........................................................... 34
26.1 Flow characteristics .............................. 34